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June 7, 2018
It’s time for your daily adult diaper change! Midget Mommy Mimi needs to get you up and out of your crib to check that diaper of yours! Peeyew that is a stinky pamper I smell isn’t it? Did you go number two? Mommy Mimi can smell it all the way from over here! Well first things first. We need to get you over to your changing table so mommy can get you out of that stinky messy diaper. Mommy needs to undo that onesie don’t we? Let’s get your diaper bag because mommy needs lots and lots of wipes for this messy diaper change! Mommy starts to open your diaper up and that’s when I can really smell it! Oh it’s everywhere look at that! It’s a good thing mommy brought extra baby diaper wipes because we might end up having to use them all! Such a stinky adult baby you are! Midget Mimi 888 430-2010 Click HERE to talk to a phone sex midget #abdl #diaperchange #diapersex
June 7, 2018
I think someone is in trouble again with their midget abdl mommy again aren’t they? You need some strict midget diaper punishment phone sex to teach you a lesson. What did I tell you about pooping your pants? What did I say was going to happen? Aww you don’t remember? Well let me refresh your memory a bit and tell you exactly what I did to the last naughty little adult baby who thought he could be slick and poop his pants. I took him by the wrist, dragged his poopy butt over towards the rocking chair, and I spanked him over his poopy underwear with my wooden paddle. He was crying and squirming and begging for Mommy to stop but I wouldn’t until he learned his lesson. Then once his bottom was nice and sore I cleaned him up and put him back in pampers like the diaper lover phone sex boy he is. Midget Mimi 1-888-430-2010 #diaperlover #diapersex #diaperphonesex
June 7, 2018
You know what this midget mommy hasn’t had in a long time? A good ol spanking phone sex call. I think one is long overdue because there are plenty of naughty boys of all types needing a good spanking right now. I don’t care what you’ve done, whether you snuck in mommy’s panty drawer, or maybe you wet the bed again? Well it doesn’t matter what you did because now you’re getting your spanking. I want you to pull down those pants of yours until their down by your ankles. The same with your underwear. Or maybe you’re wearing a diaper? Well pull it on down and lay over my knee right now. Would you like me to use the paddle or do you want me to use my bare hand? If you can’t decide i’ll be happy to do it for you. I prefer the paddle because it leaves a hell of a mark and will make that bottom of yours nice and sore that you won’t be able to sit down for at least a good week. Now c’mon let’s get this humiliation phone sex call going! I’ve got my paddle and I’m just itching to leave some welts on some naughty boys. Vera 888*430*2010 #abdl #mommy #midgetmommy
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